Interesting....have you ever realised that you were actually very similiar to somebody you laughed at...... once before , to somebody you thought is different from you but suddenly it clicks
and you see
that some things
are just quite the same.....
but thats not what I want to write about I dont want to write about pain anymore
and I Refuse to cry, I refuse to shed a tear , not one , not even half, this is an exam I WILL pass
perfect .
and you see
that some things
are just quite the same.....
but thats not what I want to write about I dont want to write about pain anymore
and I Refuse to cry, I refuse to shed a tear , not one , not even half, this is an exam I WILL pass
I want to write about a love story amidst carribbean forests and tropical rain, somewhere far far away, - big pearls of water splash down sounding like heaven pouring harmonically throug the sky - its loud , vigorous dark, the trees sway the blackness is so bright and the smell of water beautiful like infused with cold, oxygen, heat , traffic of swaying forest, sweet fruit, quenched nature...... surrounded by dramatic existence and yet ..........
the love story is beyond lucsiously calm..... aroused by fingertips holding each other dancing in each others touch , sweetly carressing the lines, the wrinkles that make these hands unique to each other
they both stare at the close wilderness, arm in arm face buried in chest, hair curled under chin, he plays with her hair with his chin, masculine and bearded with faith
his breath lingers in her ear no words spoken but all romance is exploding in the air - her legs tie around his they share a blanket a warm blanket their love encapsulated with wedding aromas and satin skin, the sky lightens and she shivers a little- her grandmother was afraid from thunder so is she they say thunder means GOD is mad - she doesnt need to say anthing
sssshhhh God is not mad from us he gently whispers kissing her ear
she looks at him, stares at him his eyes a new forest filled with a million and many millions of happy days, good days she knows she knows that he is the one his eyes latch onto her inner turmoil and eradicate it his eyes warm her fears and make her forget her questions, she wants to say so many things to him like how she never thought she could ever sink into someones eyes like she does now like how she thought she didnt deserve it or like she wasnt beautiful enough for it but then she remembers how all that has changed
even before he came she knew that she did deserve and that she was beautiful but for a long time her heart was angry like that thunder and her dreams were explosive like this rain and her life was filled with noise except she had nothing to calm her like her love now for God or her love for him but she realised that love was already found love was already sent and she was beautiful she did deserve and that he was already hers , that their love was already written, and that this moment in time in this place and depth of story was already given she smiles and leans into him
god made us for each other like a key for one lock or a jisaw puzzle must fit onto one other jigsaw part or medicine and cure
he smiles some more and wraps his strong arms around her as they both watch nature raining a show for them, mesmerised by their love story all the skies have opened time is being cleaned
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