I can't find any words to console you
Why are you keeping queit?
why don't you shout?
I deserve all that
I've never seen you like this
you are not someone like this
...............What would you like to see in me?
One that blows like a storm
Taking everything that comes in her way with her
...................I just want to be queit
You've shown me who I am
An eagle with no wings
An eagle who looks around for hunters with a fear inside
but it knows that the hunter will win in the end
You won
Even with no wings, you are an eagle
But I've never been a hunter
But you took the most valuable thing that belongs to me, away from me
You took it and destroyed it
Do you understand that?
You have a problem with us?
First you took our land
understanding land
is in a way understanding a human being
but you didn't understand
I know that you want to hurt us
whatever your case, it will never end
I can't be like you
I can't tie up peoples hands and arms and then just watch them
Now, you got what you wanted
I have to go...
Listen to me for a while
Don't go like this
...You won
You reached your goal
I lost it
Are you happy now?
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