Always moving
That time u lose someone near or far
Im sure
Ur heart skips a beat
U think
Oh no
That was the last time
And it simply hurts
U hurt for the loss
The empty space
U hurt for the sadnessthat they have to endure
The good and the bad memories
The short and the long
U have to endure time and moments where u have to be alone
In important memories
U have to endure all the disorgznisAtion
The bad news
The tears
The everything
And then...
Youhurt for being selfish
For all the times u were jealous
For all the time u were mean
Or all those times u were broke
U wish u tried
U wish u cared more
U wish u did things better
U wish u remembered the last time
Or the last fate
Or the last smile
Or even that last push
Theres always a last time for everything
And i just hope all my negatives are done