Like clouds of soft calmness and perfection instilled upon a world of drama
No, no drama here
Just the discovery of fresh flowers and juice
People connected like goodness is to a sweet heart
Beautiful draping curtains
Outstand a carefully created garden
Grown for hope and freshness
Like the tasty aubergine musaka amazing friday lunch they may have
Maybe with a new recipe of cake at the end
I see the fresh toobs 1/3/5 colours ironed crisp in the layers of beauty of their home
The dove used monthly
The antiques in the bathroom
The joys of a perfect wonder of subtle people heroes of their day
And yet... I dont like everything
Not their protruding boring extravaganza of talk
Or is it that my words are so monster i see theirs as magnifecent torment of silence of discipline
Yes discipline
That i definitely do not have
Oh i wish i could live there
Or would i get bored
If i learnt about the mechanics
The travel of light of a new day
Electricity or not
Shines through their windows and doors
Even when closed
I am desperate for their love that i will never have
But what i want more than ever is to find a resolution
With myself
A space to love all i have so that i can turn it into what they have... And what i have
Now that would be special
That would be unique
And magnifecent
Beautiful khartoum
Meets travelling beauty
Meets artistic knowledge
And happiness
Yes., i love them
But i love my fantasy more
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