Do you continue in what it is you have a fail in until the end or do you give up and say it’s too hard
Or it’s not for me
Or I knew I was in too deep
I chose to continue - to put that result behind me and do the rest trying as I handed things forwards not just doing it
No trying and doing and guess what
That result changed from 10/40
To 65/100
And even more
I passed
Others left it
Others gave up
But I will never forget sitting there with battery life doing an mcq in mid Khartoum crying over some things in my life just before and feeling like I’ve hit rock bottom
The equations however were not harder than me or life
And so here I am in the future of that woman in the past who didn’t give up translating her tears and efforts with success
Life is like that
Filled with yes and no
Filled with try and try harder
But most importantly
Filled with
Do not take the fail
Move forwards and keep going until those fails becomes passes
Do not look at the small picture
Look at the big
Do not look at the little bad things
Look at the little good things
And remember you can do it
You do have the ability and you are not in the wrong territory
Also remember that only god can love u in a way that can save you so turn to him
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