Friday, May 29, 2009

Diva Passing Phase

One of the happiest days of my Life
I guarantee that time can prove independence and hard work but most importantly praying is fascinatingly accomplishing
I accomplished the biggest dream of my life, after years and years of work, I know that God helped me; I know that I helped me
And the dream has come alive
I think that truly for the first day in my life.... a dream has really come true... very true
And I thank God every second

The Stolen Garden_ Khartoum Heartbreak 6

People build a lot of rooms, nowadays a lot of money goes into accomadation that lasts for families, and relatives. People want something that is easy, affordable, economic and in the city so as to to live a life .... where they built a house that works

For me.... I love Khartoum not only because it is my home town, but because there is magic to its components... or Life I have yet to understand...

With my grandmother out in the house yard, enveloped by open air and her stories of princes and princessess, I counted the stars, lost count at 1353 and had to start all over again because I followed a glittering plane until it dissappeared into the fading darkness out of the scope of my tired eyes to follow.... and her sweet voice entangled me into a beautiful escapade until morning. I remember the wind that blew those memories into me still today

Romance under a Khartoum navy sky full of complicated stories, full of tales and glories of a million untold secrets and fairytales in the dusken reality of broken city lights that extends all the way through african streets and people with closed doors and empty gardens .... making up a forgottten yard in in the delve of my heartbreak.


He looks at me from beyond the stars, twinkling twilight of our garden, its perimeter the locket of escapades into each others hearts, romance of dew particles flowering the midnight sun. In the silence of neon lights.... in the distance... Flies fly in a world of existence I only hear... maybe like New York...maybe like here... in this area surrendering to short ropes of lacking water and flickering astonishment of his imagination through me. The lightened dark holds my eyes in questions I yearn him to ask me... I beg that he hears me... for I am scared.... Carrying a teapot and respect but I drink a lot of steaming painful seconds that go by.... All I want for him is to tell me................................

The Moon collects shatterings of me and reflects the shine of a waiting hour into morning... it may be 3 AM, 4 AM...but it is the middle of so many tonights where I fight to stay strong

Jasmines.... I love Jasmines... Smelling of Jasmines Pearls that died of good fate, her face remains broken with time, broken by circumstance, I know this is just borrowed luck of beauty, Yes, .............

Khartoum Plants, Insects and fantasised life should grow in my garden...and he waits for me, while I bring him some romantic mint tea

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Diva Intermediate Phase

Living on the Edge

On the brink of a New Life
The edge of my dreams and haven of pride

- Good pride, I only ever try to submit good pride
Boundaries of uncertainty wade the truth of years into days now

I am waiting

The frozen moments of fate...melt into hours...I am nervous...I am so afraid of dissappointing

Chance is waking
Of still reality now so real
Bursting energy
A long time ago

I want to make them proud
Islam proud
Me proud
But I am afraid
Of missing
Of hurting
Of .... Please God help me

But I think that this intermediate phase is correct
It will be correct

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My One & Only_ Islam

Romanticising Islam
For all the help you have given me
I pray that I can repay just a min -ute entity
For all the time you have been my shield
I wish I could make my bad yield
Every moment you show me the way
What can I say - Islam is my day
My Life, My Strength, My Hope
My Dreams, My Future, My Only, My One & Only

Islam is my Faith

Friday, May 15, 2009

With Colour

True Blue

I pursue

Nothing but you

Gold Bold

Braking the cold

You're expensive I was told

Green clean

Falling i've been

since I was last seen

Yellow sorrow

If you're not mine tomorrow

Pain I borrow

Grey I may

what you say

Became my way

Red I dread

With passion I tread

And the road lust's dead

Brown I drown

A Queen's crown

Of feelings so down

Black is attack

Loving you is back

Through a shield with a crack

Pink Wink

I forget to think

Until I sink

White Fight

I just might

Fall in love with you right

Clear Dear

You are invisible I fear

Life is getting near

Silver I deliver

what you would consider

A tale of another - Power

Purple Capable

I am always able

And stable - without you

Sunday, May 3, 2009

عمرو خالد The Best 10 advice - Study for Everything u are & can be& can give

سلام عليكم يا شباب، أعرف أن الامتحانات على الأبواب وأنكم في فترة المذاكرة النهائية لذلك وجدت أن من واجبي أن أقدم لكم نصائح اخوية بسيطة لعلا يكون لها فائدة في كبيرة نجاحكم وتفوقكم وهي عشرة نصائح أقدمها لكم بنية أن تساهم في اخراج أوائل ومتفوقين يساهموا في تحقيق نهضة عظيمة لبلادنا في المستقبل فأكون قد شاركت ولو بشكل بسيط في اخراج جيل النهضة، وأرجو أن تنشروا هذه النصائح العشر على الروابط والمدونات المختلفة، وهي كما يلي
نية كبيرة : فرق كبير بين أن تذاكر لمجرد النجاح والشهادة وبين أن تذاكر بنية فهم وتفوق لتنصر دينك وتنهض بأمتك، أن النوايا الكبيرة
تدفع أصحابها لبذل مجهود اكبر من قدراتهم الاصلية، فاذا اردت أن تفجر طاقتك الكامنة فاجعل لنفسك نية كبيرة في المذاكرة
همة عالية : وأقصد بها أن ترود نفسك وتصر عليها وتعزم عليها أن تجلس لساعات طويلة مع المكتب والكتاب دون سام أو ملل، فالهمة العالية قرار تتخذه وتصر عليه فتجد نفسك تدريجيا قادر على تنفيذه، وقد تتعجب من نفسك كيف استطعت أن تذاكر هذا الحجم الكبير من الساعات ... انها همة سبقتها نية
ذاكر في جو هادئ : ابتعد عن كل ما يحول دون التركيز واتفق مع اهلك على توفير هذا الجو الهادئ وإذا كنت تذاكر مع زميل او صديق فاشترط عليه الحرص على هذا الجو الهادئ
نظم وقتك : اجعل لنفسك جدول مذاكرة بالايام والساعات وحدد فيه ما الذي تريد أن تنجزه وأجعل هذا الجدول واقعياً ومتوزاناً ويشمل أوقات الراحة والترويح عن النفس وضع هذا الجدول في مكان واضح في حجرتك وتابعه يوماً بيوم ، ولا مانع من تعديله باستمرار دون يأس إذا أخفت في تنفيذه بدقة
اجعل وقت للترفيه : اجعل الترويح عن النفس له نصيب يوميي من وقتك ولكن بشكل مقنن ومحدد بحيث لا تفقد تركيزك ويضيع يومك أثناء الترويح عن النفس، بل تعتبر أن هذا الترويح هذا من برنامج المذاكرة فلا تفقد تركيزك
-أقرا قران يومياً : ولو صفحات قليلة، فالقران طاقة نفسية هائلة يمدك بطاقة ربانية تعينك على التركيز وتدفع فيك الأمل
لا تتوتر مهما حدث : فلن يفيدك التوتر، بل قد يفقدك القدرة على التركيز ولكن مادمت تذاكر فتعلم معنا التوكل على الله، فدع الأمر لله ولا تقلق فلا تذاكر بجدية
مارس رياضة المشي : لو نصف ساعة يومياً، فالمشي تنشيط للنفس ورياضة مفيدة للبدن، بالاضافة أنه ليس رياضة عنيفة تصيبك بالارهاق ، وأعتقد أن هذه الرياضة ستعينك بشدة طوال اليوم ، وستحافظ على وزنك خاصة أن بعض الشباب ياكل بشراهة أثناء فترة المذاكرة ، وسيحافظ عليك المشي
أغلق موبيلك أثناء المذاكرة
اجعل لنفسك دعاء يومي بالنجاح والتفوق : يجب أن توقن أن الله يستجيب الدعاء، كما أن الدعاء يعيطك الأمل ويحفزك لمزيد من بذل الجهد، كما أوصيك بشدة أن تطلب من والدتك ووالدك أن يدعو لك ، فدعاء أمك لك باب عظيم لاستجابة الله سبحانه وتعالي

Glitter,Silk & Lace, in the Perfect Place

These designs are Elegant, Sweet, Passionate, Independent & Darkly Beautiful. Kylie Minogue Bedding Collection.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Simple Formations

Rapid infusions
Trepid diffusions
Insomniac delusions
Sunshine illusions
Broken reflections
Inadequate perfection
Twisted deflections
Wrong perceptions
Impatient suspicions
Regretful illuminations
Inappropriate sensations
Deep trepidations
Stolen aspirations
Fearful visualisations
Strong deprivations
Pathetic imagination
Pathetic imagination
Wasted realisation
Invalid temptations
Late dedications
Late dedications

What it is...

I see Life like a rose in the ice... beautiful but with cold settings - There are so many incredible things out there - but we always need to fight and perservere against the hardships too... otherwise the cold will win ... and we will wither away.

My imagination has led me to believe in something called 'Sudan Fairytale' -
The fantasy that My country will one day be independant and proud, never selfsish to provide its people with its needs, give freedom and success to all, be forever committed to achieve a prosperous inhabitance to every Sudanese in their own country-

My eyes fail me and I see the truth which I call - 'Khartoum Heartbreak' - This is a theme running through the blog under the 'Khartoum Heartbreak' Poems and whatever else about Sudan conveying broken down love, poor streets and cut off electricity along with a lot of other decays and problems in Khartoum city Life.

But I love my country and so I have no choice but to merge the Pain and the Love as one.

Faith is my heart and I could never do without it hoping in my prayers that I can be someone better always and that God forgives me as I fall in Mistakes through that frozen path of Life...

Sometimes I feel under control with all the too many emotions that run to colour my days and nights - Books, movies, music, dreams, friends, family, strangers, travel, - reality - the 10 O' Clock news -Most of the time I'm very Lost in trying to understand - whatever happens becomes tangled into writing this confusing memoir -

It's a really odd combination of air - not sure whether it is refreshing or suffocating - stabilising or maddening - But I breathe and
so it is
'Memoirs of a Sudanese breath' as I am 'Lost but under control' -