Mum I want my own bottle
Who cares
Should I have should I not it hurts me that I don’t know
I just don’t know the answer
Homework somethings thinks it’s meaningless I think it’s really important . I’m pretty sure I’m right. Who cares . In the end does it matter that I convince or does it matter I live and be free
I was a so sad about the yoghurt case for those girls. Even sadder they got arrested. I think that man should go to hell . Many other men too. Horrible.
The car park was empty right there a space. But no . Man said no. There were ‘children’ there who were grown up teenagers going to a disco. What’s the big deal. Why did I have to be one arguing on behalf of someone else .
Life is all about people thinking they are right and others are wrong. It’s always about convincing . Or trying to convince .
Sometimes I am smarter in my own head than out of it. For someone who now has a PhD I should be smarter though escpecially with my beautiful daughter who I will lose this way