The Fasting Promise means that I will always have in my Heart the Idea of Fasting - Keeping a healthy body,mind and spirit.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The last sunset - The fasting promise -
The Fasting Promise means that I will always have in my Heart the Idea of Fasting - Keeping a healthy body,mind and spirit.
The Gold Chain
It is a metaphor that I will be living by
The Gold chain stands for
Sharp continuity,
A Gold Journey and hence an
Expensive Destination.
Along the chain inspiration connects places...( My Faith, my Dreams, my College, my Friends, my Family, Romance, my Goals, Beyonce, Fashion, Art, Music,)
In my arms_ 0 days to go_part2* ( The Countdown)

I hope you forgive me, begin me with a new fate
2009 represents for me first a chance to change
To make you proud, to widen my range
Into the perimeters of success, possibilities and amazement
Into creation, talent and no wrong arrangements
I dream to achieve, perceive and never deceive
I dream to forget the devil and open a new chapter with your angels
I dream to ambassador my elegance as I walk and talk...
I dream to fulfil, commit and motivate my soul
I dream to unite, upright and stay bright
In this previous year I was of poor cost
Valuing nothing of what I aspire to pay
Nothing expensive for the price that I say
But nothing like what I really desire, want to reach and never to succumb
Mistakes blotted my year, cries puddled by fears and my time was not so dear
Hesitations were high; everything was low – compared to my hidden glow
2009 is where my costs rise
2009 is how my life will change
2009 is how my days will grow
Into better, stronger, wiser
2009 is the way my heart will fulfil
2009 is the way my body will win
2009 is the time my energy needs
To use all its power to achieve
2009 is the bridge to the future
2009 is the cut of the past
The difference that will last
2009 is my moment
2009 is my goals, my dreams, and my reality merging into truth
2009... is me
In my arms_ 0 days to go_part1* ( The Countdown)

2009 is the weapon – it is the start
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Devils Love_حبيب بني آدم ...Lover of Destroying...
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
The Islamic Bed...The Flowering Cycles...

Hijab is my personality ...
it is my purpose to fulfill, create and invent ideas for hijab... be Modern and Elegant... ME...Be Islamic and New... IN...
Religion is the Basic Elegance - BE
Finally, So many Ideas are in my daily thoughts for this blog in relation to my passion for dedicating a big part of my Life towards making Islam look Beautiful, Elegant, Delicate... The Islamic Bed. Other New projects... (The Flowering cycles, The Hijab pearl and Magnificant Islamic women) new stories and poems, new images and pictures, new everything.... are keys to my hearts openings for 2009.
A Devils love_ وثالثهما الشيطان
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
A Devils Love_Forget about heaven... if you dont' treat your mother beautifully
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
A Devils Love_ Flirting_ أساليب المعاكسة
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
A Devils Love _والرشوة
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
The Beginning of the End... Start of the Magic.

Life in Ransom_ 2009
A Devils Love_ Maid treatment_ (Have mercy on people so God will have mercy on you).
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
In my arms_1day to go_part2* ( The Countdown)

In my arms_ 1 day to go_ part1* ( The Countdown)

Monday, December 29, 2008
In my arms_2 days to go ( The Countdown)

A Devils Love - Stay sleeping forever السهر
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
Friday, December 26, 2008
Reminiscing Sudan 2
In my arms_4 days to go... (The Countdown)

Thursday, December 25, 2008
In my arms_ 5 days to go... (The Countdown)

2009 represents for me... A new me... A wonderful me... one that even I have never seen before...6 days. Until is in my arms to begin now. In my arms to change this day into TODAY.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
A Devils Love - Entering your Home دخول البيت
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
Echoes in my mind_ (The Prize)

Reminiscing Sudan 1

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Praying with style...Heart and Mat
The idea here comes from the project - AQIM SALATAK -
سجادتك من إختياركما دام بتختار كل شيء في حياتك من حقك تختار شكل سجادتك،

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Devils Love - SMOKING : التدخين
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
(Echoes in my mind)_ The Presidential Flower

I need to rewind
All the processes of my mind
Thoughts compatible with my kind
Instead of being always allergic and blind
With despair and construction of desires
I need to discover
Love in me before dreaming of another
Before wishing upon fallings stars through glass of shattered fantasies
Calmness –
I hope for silence of dreams to take away the blasphemies
And bring me pearls of stolen entities that once were jewels
Of me – By me – With me – For me – In me –
Where did all my strength go?
Where did all my power blow?
How did I lose my faith in my beauty and knowledge?
When did I change into this horrid message?
I must go upon the thin chances and think of heavy memories
That once flew me away peacefully on a sky of remedies
A sea of sanctuaries
Moments of promises that I thought would last forever and wake me through the necessities of life
Things are changing and days are flaming with passions and pain
People are understanding but also misguiding and I need radars that stain
All lies and problematic voices
I open a shallow umbrella under the rain
Where coldness of emotions penetrates to my veins
Deep in my heart I pray that the pain – washes through the drains
Of my asking God for forgiveness and happiness
Strength and elegance
To be a Muslim women full of energetic existenceTo live life with beauty, hope and be - The presidential flower
Monday, December 1, 2008

What it is...
My imagination has led me to believe in something called 'Sudan Fairytale' -
The fantasy that My country will one day be independant and proud, never selfsish to provide its people with its needs, give freedom and success to all, be forever committed to achieve a prosperous inhabitance to every Sudanese in their own country-
My eyes fail me and I see the truth which I call - 'Khartoum Heartbreak' - This is a theme running through the blog under the 'Khartoum Heartbreak' Poems and whatever else about Sudan conveying broken down love, poor streets and cut off electricity along with a lot of other decays and problems in Khartoum city Life.
But I love my country and so I have no choice but to merge the Pain and the Love as one.
Faith is my heart and I could never do without it hoping in my prayers that I can be someone better always and that God forgives me as I fall in Mistakes through that frozen path of Life...
Sometimes I feel under control with all the too many emotions that run to colour my days and nights - Books, movies, music, dreams, friends, family, strangers, travel, - reality - the 10 O' Clock news -Most of the time I'm very Lost in trying to understand - whatever happens becomes tangled into writing this confusing memoir -
It's a really odd combination of air - not sure whether it is refreshing or suffocating - stabilising or maddening - But I breathe and
so it is
'Memoirs of a Sudanese breath' as I am 'Lost but under control' -