Sunday, November 21, 2021


For nothing the best but what is the best and setting when there are hyenas around 
Do you settle to be free in that case or that you don’t die?
Setting for a distinction in an exam or setting for the weight of your normality 
How many times have you settled
And how many times have you not 
Settling for power within yourself and setting to remain calm amidst the maddening
The best people are in prison having never settled
But are the worst people out there what about the ones that have created transparency 
Hamdok people will die although you say you’ve done this so they won’t 
What have you settled for are you have gone for the best 
Is this the best? 
Is this all the Sudanese can attain?
Is this all I can attain?
 Where is the freedom from within me
Where is your best settlement 
And where is your worst
Are you ok? I ask 
Is your family ok I ask?
Why did you faint ?
Did you body say no to settling ? 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

This isn’t going to work 2

Things are not happening with you 
There’s no point saying I’m kind 
When I’m not
Decision fatigue 
They say
People count on me to make good choices and the bad news is I’m not
Escpecially those who need me most
Because I’m too busy thinking about all the busy messy horrible things 
I scream
I shout my face all swollen and inflamed
I am inflamed
In feelings that are a nuisance
Do the right thing under the wrong conditions 
People speak to meanly and so so I speak bad at others meanly
The circle of nightmares
I don’t want to be like this 
I have no happiness in me right now 
To give to her

I am for sure strong 
But strength isn’t meanness
And strength isn’t now
And strength isnt winning either 

If this then that. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

This isn’t going to work .

Cornered like a mouse I am the dictator and she is the population 
Sad and hurt
And yet my only intention was not to do that
But who will ever understand that force cannot achieve anything

My apology accepted and retracted
Not fully understanding was I sorry or not 
Feeling completely lost 

And finally the result is being late
And screaming and shouting 

Being told off since a long time 
Who’s fault is all this?
Who’s troubles are all this?
Mine or hers

Feeling mad

This is not home 
This is not the place of love
This is not the happy place
This is not right

If I can’t do it 5 then I definitely can’t do it at 15 

Monday, November 15, 2021

وطني السودان ٤

كما وعدت نفسي فلقد بدأت قرائة مذكرات 
Victor frankl 
لكي اتمكن من معرفة كيف العيش مع القهر والألم شديد 
فلمن تفارق من زوجته ما كان ان يدري انها قتلت كل الفترة الغاش فيها مسجون وكان يحلم و يتكلم معها مع نفسه 

فانا اسئل نفسي يا وطني 
ماذا كن ان نفعل اذا كن نعرف بقتلك يوم ٢٥ November
ماذا كن لنا ان نفعل
فانتي الزوجة القتلتي ونحن احبائك مع ال الناتذي 
ارجلنا فالجليد ونري كل الحذن  امامنا و نأكل من اسفنا و ناكل من قهرنا لكي نضعف لكي نبقي هيكل عظمي   من كثر الالم
فلقد جاءو 
The nazis of sudan 
 ونحن في صف المستقبل  الي العذاب وانتي يا وطني انتي فالسماء تنذري الينا فما  زنبك انتي؟
انت مثل  زوجة 
Victor frankl
لا كن ندري انك متي اصلا في وصت املنا 

وطني السودان ٣

Change happens whether for good or for bad
When you feel deep anger towards injustice you must withhold your pain and not let that torment you too
You must win your battles that you can control
You just not let the devil get the hold of you
You must win over who you are
And let the grandiosity of evil dissipate from within  

Sunday, November 14, 2021

وطني السودان ٢

اتخيل كل المؤتمرات الكانت فالبال و كل اللقائات الكانت بالدفاتر كل الخرط الجميلة و كل الأفكار الإنهاءات 
اتخيل تزاكر السفر التي لغت  والتلفونات التي دمرت
اتخيل حياة الناس الجميلة المرة فيها قطار الشر و الشيطان ليدوس علي ورود المستقبل و يخلي القطع في كل مكان
اتخيل الخير الدمر 
اتخيل كل شيء كيف كان مثل الموت تماما
كيف اذا كان عايش ولكنه مات
اتخيل ال
فكل سوداني يأتي ليعطي عزائه 
البركة فيكم احسن الله عذائكم 
كان جميل والله الوطن
بس نعمل شنو المرض ما برحم 
حاولنا العلاج نقول
بس السم ماله علاج نقول
لقد رجع السرطان في عروقه مرة اخري الي ان لا محال للجمال
الله ارحمك يا وطن 
يا وطني 
فلقد تعبنا من دموعنا
و كانت احلامنا كبيرة مثلك 
كانت احلامنا حر 
كن سعيدين 
قبل ان تمت 
ولكنك مت و متنا معاك يا وطني 

وطني السودان ١

اول مرة احس  بالألم مثل هذا وكاني اري سكينة تدخل فيني ولكنها لا تطلع
وكاني اسمع الطبيب يقول لي لقد رجع السرطان في وطنك من جديد و كاني احس بألم كل شخص يفقد كل عزيز
مثلا عندما كان هتلر يصنف العوائل  بالقوة فكانو في افتراق الطرق الرجل يفقد زوجته و اطفاله للموت فال
Gas chambers
والرجل يجب له ان يعيش
دموعي تنزل وتحرق  خدي واتذكر اذا كان كل شرفاء السودان الذي خدعوا عندهم بنات و اولاد ينومون الليل يفكرون في أبوهاتهم المسجونين ويبكون ثم يسئلون امهاتهم عنهم 
كيف يجب ان تكون هذه المرأة فسجنو اهلها وسجنو احلامها 
اتذكر الرجال الشرفاء التي الأن كلهم وراء السجون او تحت الأرض 
وأتذكر الغدر والخيانة وكيف يكون احساسهم 
وكيف احساس البمشو علي جثته وهو ميت
يجب علي قرأة كتاب 
Victor frankl 
المناضل تحت هتلر ولقد عاش ال
Concentration camps
فالأن يجب علي ان اوقف دموعي واجد شخص قد مرة بظروف أليمة و اتعلم كيف عاش خلالها
 وطني السودان 
انك جريج الان 
انك في غيبوبة و الماكنات تنور و تصفر  و انت فالمنام
انت في منامي واحلامي 
احلم فلا يمكن سرقة الأحلام 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Subhan allah when the going gets relative

Literally when evil becomes your relative and another’s happiness is at you loss your stakes
Their smiles are at the expense of your smiles
And their new say is at the loss of your dreams and strengths
You think to yourself
And with fizz
Sitting in that White House not videos but the rubbish of earth are the devils on the ground 
Thinking they’ve won 
And they might have for awhile 
And that hurts a lot 
But not at the expense of my happiness
Of my hopes and dreams
Of my future 
Not at the expense of my reasoning and my strength my tries and my successes
They can gloat they can do as they wish 
But I won’t let them prevail in my heart
In my soul
Eating away at my confidence
My passes
That number showing on an email 
I won’t 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Dear Eman

My beautiful one
The one I hurt so much yet love so much
I love you with all my heart
With all my soul
Change me and I change for the world
Love me and I fill with pride
Be patient with me as I am not with you
I know I am my mother
When I hate so much to be
At least not in the bad parts
I wish I could stop replicate
And here I am hoping for an answer to not be afraid
Of your reactions and your courage that fears me
Of your strength that commits me to a unknow future that I am excited and positive about
But my actions are not what you deserve 

What it is...

I see Life like a rose in the ice... beautiful but with cold settings - There are so many incredible things out there - but we always need to fight and perservere against the hardships too... otherwise the cold will win ... and we will wither away.

My imagination has led me to believe in something called 'Sudan Fairytale' -
The fantasy that My country will one day be independant and proud, never selfsish to provide its people with its needs, give freedom and success to all, be forever committed to achieve a prosperous inhabitance to every Sudanese in their own country-

My eyes fail me and I see the truth which I call - 'Khartoum Heartbreak' - This is a theme running through the blog under the 'Khartoum Heartbreak' Poems and whatever else about Sudan conveying broken down love, poor streets and cut off electricity along with a lot of other decays and problems in Khartoum city Life.

But I love my country and so I have no choice but to merge the Pain and the Love as one.

Faith is my heart and I could never do without it hoping in my prayers that I can be someone better always and that God forgives me as I fall in Mistakes through that frozen path of Life...

Sometimes I feel under control with all the too many emotions that run to colour my days and nights - Books, movies, music, dreams, friends, family, strangers, travel, - reality - the 10 O' Clock news -Most of the time I'm very Lost in trying to understand - whatever happens becomes tangled into writing this confusing memoir -

It's a really odd combination of air - not sure whether it is refreshing or suffocating - stabilising or maddening - But I breathe and
so it is
'Memoirs of a Sudanese breath' as I am 'Lost but under control' -