series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A Devils Love - Alcohol, mother of evil _ الخمر أم الخبائث
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sanity & Insanity

{Central Apnoea}, a disastrous consequence where the respiratory system of the human body does not mature properly, the end result – Central Apnoea – the patient cannot breathe when they go to sleep. There are only 300 cases in the world and even though the handicap is catastrophic where the affected will remain on life support machine their entire life, I come to find myself thanking the Almighty nevertheless for its rarity and praying to him only more to help people with problems in health such as this one, or any others that are life debilitating.
{Sanity and Insanity}, that condition where the mind is lost between a bridge of two worlds, the sane and the insane. I find myself acutely affected by its collective symptoms.
The difference between dreams and reality hauls on me like that game of tug the rope, which teams wins by pulling stronger. I dream so much about love, peace, beauty, I wish so badly for them to come true, when I look around the real world and find nothing’s changed, I only deviate and wander and dream some more. But just as dreaming is good and important it can be severely lethal. I find myself lost from truth, lost from hope that things are not coming true. It puts me in a state that is maniacal, leaves me shaking because I’m in a road not knowing the way to use, to reach home – the sane side.
This world and life in it, is the enhancer and promoter of my {Sanity and Insanity}, facing all of this, all different planets in global, global earth, this world, where I am sitting down in a tiny room and trying to conquer it all in a page. Look at destruction, corruption, abuse, hate, crime, deprivation, starvation, all planets that turn on their axis to produce their toxic gas that elicits my {Sanity and Insanity}. I go insane burning with thought of why, just why alone is sufficient. So much energy consumed thinking what if things were different, no war between Palestine and Israel, no American policies, no HIV, no famine. Then its phase two of my deep inhaled thoughts and I find it upon myself to think of solutions. This huge food mountain in the west piling up because of over production of food and laws so strict about expiry dates, health is thrown out like shreds of paper. Why the food mountain couldn’t become level ground, balance? No-one would be hungry, of course what an insane, foolishly irrational idea.Religion is the letters that put my {Sanity and Insanity} in fatal shock. That beautiful word meaning faith, happiness, gain, worship, freedom and more importantly a link to save you from loss, and then I read criticism, ignorance, extremism, illiteracy about its beauty, imprisonment for its emancipation, hate for its love. I try and stay sane, far from dementia, by consoling myself that God is powerful enough to take care of his sweet embrace. He will take care of it and whatever catastrophe that is a hurricane, will be remedied by God, but extremism pushing our face of what we trust to drowning oceans, misleading, bombing, terrorising, fighting, tormenting, scaring, misleading, misleading and misleading, a word to drive me lunatic insane. I try and use all parts of my mind to think of ways to change half a mind of a person who doesn’t understand about Islam and I don’t care if I do go insane doing it.
It breaks my heart to see love breaking down, relationships finishing and lovers changing. It makes me weep to see road traffic accidents that could have been avoided, young children sad or lonely and women being abused in their homes. It sends me to misery, people being addicted to heroine and cocaine and not on God, a soul wanting to commit suicide, if only it tried to pray.It rocks my boat of {Sanity and Insanity} overboard and like Central Apnoea, I wonder should my illness be listed as a catastrophic occurrence in medicine.
Prophets pictures
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Questions in my mind?

Why did all the greatest Love stories ever told end with heartbreak? Does True true love always have pain? Tristan & Isolde, Henry Tudor and Anne Boleyn, is it always pleasure and pain? Why do I love watching these heartbreaking love stories? make them my favourite?Why are they always in my head? is it better to love, no matter what the consequences are? no matter how bad the ending is going to be? to taste love and feel it? or is it better to not go through all the pain? to stay protected?
There is a last time for everything - Could you ever know that was the last time for something? The last time you did something? The last time you saw someone, someplace - would you remember the last times?
Where is the best place to see the best sunrise, the most beautiful sunset, and to watch a full moon gazing down on you? where in the world is the best place?
When you sleep, does God take your Life momentarily? what happens? does he review what you've done, does he think about putting you back to life, or not, does he rewind your breath? what happens. Truly, when you go to sleep?
Could I ever convince someone of the true meaning and beauty of Islam? could I ever be..influential, inspirational, and make someone want to be Islamic, be in love with Islam? what would I say to conjure up that love in someone? or just, make them begin it and them to conjure it up for themselves, because it is from their own heart?
What does it feel like with rain falling down on you somewhere amongst the deepest nature of Sudan, the most throbbing part with beauty, of hidden mountains and huts, trees and deer, with nothing but the sound of rain, the sound of nature and the sound of your best friend, your lover?
Why does something once so important to you, stop being important? does that mean it wasnt so important in the first place? if you knew you would change your mind about how important it was, would you still have important - ised it in the first place? would you have done your absolute best to keep it important to you? or would you have stopped knowing that things would change? love from being so important to somebody, can become not so great, faith after meaning the only important thing in life can become not so important, loss after being nothing important can become all that there is?
Is there such a thing as a good addiction? all addictions are bad? if you are an addict on something could it ever give you meaning rather than loss? or is everything in balance truly the best? but isnt living your life for soemthing that you are addicted to, passionate about, makes it more adventurous? or does it make it dangerous? but isnt dangerous exciting? should you live your life with safety or danger? should you have an addiction? a good addiction? something that you just cannot live without? or should you never convince yourself of such a thing at all?
Will there ever be a film made that entails love and islam together? i mean 2 lovers who are so in love but they are also islamicly in love? - a love story - a faithful love story, that is a good love story? - one that remembers limits but where you can see that their love for each other has no limits, no boundaires, no stop -yet they must - because Islam is stronger in their hearts more than enything else? - can there ever be a love story made like that?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Cecialia Ahern - Favourite books

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Changin Lyrics - 'Aint no sunshine'

Song - Aint no sunshine
Singer - Emily King
Aint no sunshine when he's gone
It's not warm when he's away
Aint no sunshine when he's gone
And he's always gone too long
Anytime he goes away
Changed to:
Memories they come and go
Memories - my heart wants to show
Memories they wana flow
And flow and flow and flow
Anytime you are away
Everything you mean to me
Is so much more than you can see
But i want to tell you how i feel
So your heart i can feel
Hmm i want to steal your heart
I want to make you mine
You make me feel divine
I want to be with you
Oh i love you
You know that I do
Let me into your dreams
show me all your hidden screams
help me with my crying tears
save me from my fears
stay with me, my dear
Monday, April 14, 2008
Echoes in my mind_ ( Who should I be?)
Think before you speak
Think before you think
stretch out your arms and listen to your heartbeat
Discover your soul
Travel within your open boundaries of what you mean to you
Get a rhythm of focus
And dedicate peace instead of confusion for you
Relax before you decide
Understand when you examine your life
At this moment in your life
you belong to you and no one else
you belong to freedom and good memories
Breathe without traffic of congested fears
Sleep with clear dreams
Wake up to a new day
Where true love is here to stay
So take your time
In finding you
In knowing your courage and your coloured shadows
Use the hours to recharge with identity
Not misery
Smile to your kindness
Appreciate your opinions
Adore your beauty
Respect your religion
Fall in love with your faith
Be yourself
Friday, April 11, 2008
قال حجاب قال Hijab? - A Devils Love
This series is so interesting, educational and most of all intimidating to the heart and mind of what a devils love really is - wicked and evil - and falling to our weakness and bad intentions are only the beginning of a losing desperate road if we ever do fall in love with a devils love -
Nothing makes us feel more helpless, and so torn apart, broken down and lost than listening to the devil-
Nothing is more harder than fighting the temptation to give in to whatever seems so reasonable and lustful at the time - but deep in our goodness we know its a powerful lie, defeat of a challenge - and nothing is less attractive than a quitter
This battle we should never give in to- to win ourselves and not let this fake devils love win us over temporarily and we need to prove to ourselves the meaning and loyalty that we hold internally, and keep our souls strong and clean for God to see.
I was really moved by this series called - abaleeso and I hope it will be a striking truth for young people to learn from (THIS IDEA AND THE REST OF THEM) -
Hijab is one of the most beautiful aspects of the islamic religion -
This is a poem called Diamonds and Pearls that describes with true depth and creativity the beauty of Hijab
Lost in Love

I love to love
It’s funny how I love it so much
How I dream it
Desire it
Want it
How I can't stop thinking about it
Yet I can't trust it
And I don’t believe in…it
So many wrong visions in my head
I feel like I’m hurt already even though I’m not
But I am
Somewhere deep inside all I can think about is loves rejection to me
It doesn’t love me the way I love it so much
If it did… it wouldn’t break my heart like this
It wouldn’t make me feel this ugly
But then maybe it is not loves fault
Maybe it’s just mine
I don’t know
But I do know I’m crying right now
And my tears are clouding my vision
Maybe of the past
Maybe of the present
Maybe to tell me something
Hidden complex treasures behind walls of arguments
I’m sold the fake soft touch of your bruises that dent – my soul
Given blows of fury as profits of my tears never dry
And my pains increase and rise
To the waking contracts of our poisoned sunrise
Breaking together - where is the contract that signed my tragedy
In this relationship of calamity bringing up a storm to clatter
Any piece of peace left for me -
How to get out
I want to get out
My Islamic vision
If I lose my path – everything becomes depressing and repressing – my soul takes me to blackened times and even though I realize it’s all wrong – I can't change my mind because I’ve forgotten the strength of Islam that was my back – its friendship that gave me advice of love – Islam was the hope given to me from above – like eyes shining on that broken path – if I remember Islam my footsteps stop being confusing –they stop being refusing - I take them like they were second nature – no more wrestling with an unhelpful map of misunderstanding – Islam is the understanding before me
The softest meanings that I could interpret –coming from the branches of Islams encouragement - feeding me this ripened freshness – to get by in this crazy rotting world – Islam listens to my needs like it is some part of me – It feels like it’s the winning beat from my heart – twin of my identity – which is why when I forget Islam, its equivalent to losing my identity – everyday falls out of the equation of balance – and more and more, I become lost in a jargon of arrogance – wasting my time flushing my use down the drain – giving up my strength in vain – fighting with truth and only seeing pain –

Islam is my music to wake with and live by –– I am so at ease – than when I thought I could get by on my own –
I feel like...

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Life in Ransom...Want Love?
Life in Ransom... Find yourself
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Wedding Vows 1... The film

Life in Ransom...What is appealing to men?

Words on yellow parts of the page -
Wait (waiting for the right thing)
Beautiful (in mind and body)
Anything but ordinary
Life in Ransom... Not in Love

Friday, April 4, 2008
The courage to Love
The courage to love
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
What it is...
My imagination has led me to believe in something called 'Sudan Fairytale' -
The fantasy that My country will one day be independant and proud, never selfsish to provide its people with its needs, give freedom and success to all, be forever committed to achieve a prosperous inhabitance to every Sudanese in their own country-
My eyes fail me and I see the truth which I call - 'Khartoum Heartbreak' - This is a theme running through the blog under the 'Khartoum Heartbreak' Poems and whatever else about Sudan conveying broken down love, poor streets and cut off electricity along with a lot of other decays and problems in Khartoum city Life.
But I love my country and so I have no choice but to merge the Pain and the Love as one.
Faith is my heart and I could never do without it hoping in my prayers that I can be someone better always and that God forgives me as I fall in Mistakes through that frozen path of Life...
Sometimes I feel under control with all the too many emotions that run to colour my days and nights - Books, movies, music, dreams, friends, family, strangers, travel, - reality - the 10 O' Clock news -Most of the time I'm very Lost in trying to understand - whatever happens becomes tangled into writing this confusing memoir -
It's a really odd combination of air - not sure whether it is refreshing or suffocating - stabilising or maddening - But I breathe and
so it is
'Memoirs of a Sudanese breath' as I am 'Lost but under control' -