I truly believe the universe moved for me to read those words that day
I truly believe I flew all around that same universe to see fabric hidden of something dark and dispersed contained behind millions and millions of little secret build ups of provisional traditions and
I truly believe / \I felt pain, I felt distraction from order, I felt disbelief so much and so bad that I threw it out
I threw out any evidence and prayed - for that would and could be , the only thing available to give me closure
but this case, these thoughts are never going to close
no matter how hard I try
it is always in the back of my mind
everytime I try forget
my heart twinges
and my soul fringes
and the past and the efforts of twisted fate and bad destiny deep in my body cringes
I dont know
I truly believe everything happens for a reason
but I don't know
where and when is the reason
I hope I find closure , without it closing
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
welcome to this dance

You see your whole world collapse - for suddenly things become subtly filled with the temptation to dance to this crafted song , somewhere in subsaharan african destiny
I open a page and the night melts into my hands, glistening in all the right places, satin waves through the earth of magical african lovers, urban classic feelings of the beginnings of a romance amidst the ballad of the future, their hands are in each others hands touching the dream of happiness, staring down at her wedding dress, I can't imagine another word or letter of his jazzed connection with her body, and she - she is on the side of romantic madness or sensible infusion of trust, the verge of wanting something so bad... and finding it - memoirs created and repeated as if a heartbeat, as if a breath - her breath was shallow, as the adrenaline perspired though the flowers in her hair - gentle aspirations of becoming his other half - he held her like she was him - the only part of him thinking, beating , fighting about a hundred miles an hour - racing afar the stars - past the galaxy of tonight and into the universe of each others life collapsed into desire, innocence and seduction - its all in their hands, this is for real for real for real - what I want - I cant cover their intention of making history, or winning this competition with fate -
though the lights were low, I could see them both through a lovers sillhouette,
drawing me into their beauty, like untouched heaven, so close - fragranced with perfection, dazzling with pearls , all the sequencesoft dress and veil - veiled with his suit across her , they were partners never made to part - his black twilight's navy of romance of night standing armor , suited to admire time and sown hems of charachter rolling down the windows of meaning into someone's dreams -
you see your whole world through a small but beautiful room, decorated with fantasy welcoming guests and bringing joy on a stage of angels making - I could see them both, my heart stood still I just froze right there - dancing with him looking like what he needed me to be - can't believe I'm here - near him like this - searching for time to stop so I can try again to live life to its fullest - for he takes me into the beats of his heart as he makes me feel like I can't understand but tonight the wide opening of his soul, heart and mind - his eyes... his eyes beg me to love him more every second - you see your whole world up close and personal magnified track 1 made for you - his heart beat is made for you -
I never usually 33

As sunset fell and evening came
he had invited her to dinner and nothing would ever be the same
finding his heart through the sillhouette of the night
he made her dinner , and put chosen flowers and candle light
under a heaven of garden trees, over turkish yard of romantic history
... he placed dantelle interlaced with intensity of meaning
he was ready to say a lot of things
he was ready to become a new person
he didnt even know what he could do when she was near
but he wanted her here
Trying to make out how lovers really do work and the beauty of simplicity, thought and time intertwining with the magic of evidence and love, I wondered about their agonies but their kindness at the same time, I searched for the invitation to come - to their world, for this dinner party was precious and viscious with romance -
I ask god to help me and save me from myself
for i could become the third party in this festivity, yet I know I don't want that
I want to be invited to somewhere else, by someone else
amidst my loves and pains, new changes and inner weaknessess
I dont want to dull for a my own dinner party
I dont want to rust or dust
I want to create my own passions and fantasies
uknown ..even to myself
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I never usually 32

but to get to that stage
there is a lot of hard work
no matter what your pathway is
no matter where you want to be happy
you must work
and wake up early
and stay up late
you must clean and dust and polish your faith
you must argue with yourself about your mistakes
for no one can intimidate you more than yourself
in order to be happy , you must try
and never lie to yourself
you must consider options and let your hair down to life
for you to be happy you must consider yourself lucky
and stop making people think you are not
stop making yourself think you are not
think of it this way...
Not all people know that rythym you know
for you to be happy you need to understand
and command, you understand
you do notwant to understand yourself
you do not want to know who youare
andwhat you mean to yourself
or what you need
that is why you arenot happy like how they dance
like how they feel and know and love
and dance
The Diva Chronicles_shake me 2

let me tell you about a girl who lost her way
once upon a time she used to pray
and asked for all things she wanted in her life
until one day she gave up for no reason at all
she let herself fall
all the angels were so suprised
they were so used to taking her forgiveness up to the sky
but all they could see now was a girl filled with a lie
for she was living her life for all the wrong reasons
breaking promises and weakening her soul
why was she taking this role?
she wasnt like that at all
once upon a time she trusted her faith
once upon a time she had strong dreams
once upon a time she never gave up
now it didn't make sense what was up
what was wrong?
was it a devils new trick
or her soul was sick
or her mind was quick... to be impatient
well whatever the problem the wind blew strong
and the roads grew long
whatever it was
this girl was far
and could no longer find stars
to wish upon
whatever it was
this girl was crying
and no longer trying
to find a solution
just a while back there was so much success!
and dreams did come true!
proof came about
that in God there was no doubt
So what was the difference now?
Why the break in Love now?
How could she think like this?
and live like this?
This girl need shaking
and waking
and talking to
this girls needs a replay of her fascinating memoirs
her life and her dreams
this girl needs ....herself back
Saturday, November 21, 2009
shake me
So little time, with so many things left to do
So many problems with such few answers
few answers that I should take
and make the right choice
so many right choices that I have escaped
so many quick pathways that are wrong
its taking too long to wake up
and shake up
yesterday and the days before
its like... i want to hold my shoulders and shake and shake and shake my body out of my body
my mind out of my mind
and let a very cold jug of water be thrown upon me too
like prayers
I need something to shock me
and im searching in all the unfaithful places
I need someone to hold me
but all I need is God and his love
His love and beauty is right here for me
he has given me so much
and so many things
I need and dont need
I feel priveleged and undeserving of his kindness
its like the lover who gives you all and wants nothing in return
just wants you to love him and be there for him
and be good to him
isnt that what love is
so why am I running away ..from him
from God
my lover
my best friend
my indication of beautiful Islam
So many problems with such few answers
few answers that I should take
and make the right choice
so many right choices that I have escaped
so many quick pathways that are wrong
its taking too long to wake up
and shake up
yesterday and the days before
its like... i want to hold my shoulders and shake and shake and shake my body out of my body
my mind out of my mind
and let a very cold jug of water be thrown upon me too
like prayers
I need something to shock me
and im searching in all the unfaithful places
I need someone to hold me
but all I need is God and his love
His love and beauty is right here for me
he has given me so much
and so many things
I need and dont need
I feel priveleged and undeserving of his kindness
its like the lover who gives you all and wants nothing in return
just wants you to love him and be there for him
and be good to him
isnt that what love is
so why am I running away ..from him
from God
my lover
my best friend
my indication of beautiful Islam
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I never usually 31

....Is there something wrong?
How did you reply to that man>?
What do you mean?
And it's none of your business
More importantly, there is no question asked to me
Ok, if he asks, what are you going to say?
Will you sacrifice yourself?
.....You have no idea about me
Where did you get these ideas?
He takes two steps to reach her, staring into her eyes explicitly, he catches her hand before she can escape out of his love
I saw how you two danced
.....How were we dancing?
He grabs her waist and pulls her nearer,
Did he hold your waist like this?
D, Don't do this
I, have to go
Did he look into your eyes like this?
Leave me...
Are you still that girl who is very proud
or are you going to choose the easy way?
Am I still that girl who is very proud, or have I taken the easy way out
Will I take the way that I don't have to sweat and starve and try harder and harder, wake earlier and sleep later , and think stronger and act wilder and softer at the same time
or will I take the way that I just hide, and have no pride,
Which way is more romantic?
which way would make my life and my faith proud
my faith
I miss my faith
its the lover i lost
the lover i have replaced
and stopped its trace of beauty on me
I have forgotten its place
In my life
I left it stand on the balcony and i didnt come dance with it
I feel uninspired anymore

Symbol of Sudan
مسطول Rings HP
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I never usually 30

Hope, Is that romantic to you?
She screeched into my heart, briskly undertaking the information of reality, as if I didn't know reality and how I felt, her solid nature dulled my life for a minute, as her words encapsulated mme into small things - I wanted big things... very big things...
so it only took me less than a minute to answer
...That is so romantic to me... you don't even know...in fact.. I just learn from that and i want to create more...I want to create better
2 weeks ago delving into the resquing position, i threw a rope to my heart and body that fell over the edge of a cliff a long time ago
dead, i presumed, I held my position until my life began to come back
i saw myself breathing again, feeling again, truly understanding again
and then came a blizzard of denial again... my hands got weak
the rope got heavy again
I tried..I have tried
but instead of pulling up, i am pulling down again...
you see sometimes, i think like open stars in my closet, glistening when i dream at night, blinding all the devils and trauma away
and when i wake up
the sun still has not come up and i can see the merging of night and day, birds singing and all, songs attribute to the waking of my soul, for i pray on time, and i eat on time and i drink on time
cardemon tea hot to my memoires, it wakes me gladly for my body is engined to fuel correctly -
I know,,, that the time is right again - for this is where i need to be , and this is what is set out for me...perfect...very perfect
i want to jump time even if its dangerous, even if its embarassing and sickening and hurtful
even if i know that it is wrong
so i am stuck watching a closed door closed for years
years & years
i know that , when the time is right that door will open for me
yet, i am still insisting stubbornly to wait
to hang up all the other things and wait
for what?
for something god will give me or choose not to give me
for things in my life that can happen or not happen
that are made for me and i cannot change them
except pray for them
and deserve them
I am wrong
I am very wrong
I am acting like a ...spoiled ill position blind illiterate drama
I can't hear, i cant see, i cant understand, that i am being changed
to someone wrong
to something wrong
I have a lot of dreams
I have a lot of love
I have a lot of imagination
I have a lot of mistakes
I have a lot of dreams
I have a lot of romance
I have a lot of kindness
I have a lot of madness
I have a lot of differences
I have a lot of time
I have a lot of agonies
I have a lot of fears
I have a lot of tears
I have a lot of things i don't know
I have a lot of things I want to know
I have a lot of temptation
I have a lot of desire to ask for
I have a lot of things I want to ask for
I have a lot to give
I have a lot I regret
I have a lot that I suspect
I have a lot I want to forget
but most importantly
...I have a lot of my life that I still have not met
Look at this picture:
I dream of egyptian satin covering my glowing skin of sand fruits and visiting waters of an egyptian sunset glittering the beginnings of a new love story, a strong love story, a creative love story, a proud love story, asking to be tendered and wondered by its makers, now there is nothing wrong, today everything is here and for you to love... moons of honey breaking the time of kings... eating sweet things and feeling like a queen amidst the giza landlife of triangular romance--or alxendrian secrets, or sharm magnets of conenction or.... gold
gold sunsets and flying kites...i see no fences between this growing beauty into this corner of the world
dusk sits and trees wave hello here and there to love
balconies interlace with heaven and flowers look beautiful
the queit... is intense with agonising dreams
it is a place i could trace with my fingers touching its scent of dreams
Friday, November 13, 2009
I never usually 29

Why didn't you want me to go with you?
Why didn't you answer your phone?
Because you turned off your phone
I had to do it
I don't think so!
You didn't want to hear my voice because you didn't want me by your side
I didn't miss you at all!
me neither!
Sure, if you act like a stranger, you won't miss
You let me be a stranger!
Not at all!
Are you sure?
Her eyes, her eyes beg him to stop this, this argument, this anger - missing him was torture , and now that he was here, all she could do was be angry, trying to be proud - for if he did not give in, she could not either....
Her eyes were the language to his soul, he understood what each frantic stare was, every blink, every happiness, every sadness - she missed him, she was scared -
and suddenly all he could do was under estimate the passion he had for her - holding her face within his warm hands , her soft curls falling in his jacket, he kissed her cheek, touching his lips was a mesmerising intensity,she kissed him back with blinding need, holding his hands, the only thing that made her feel safe, making sure he never let go - -
I never usually 28

This is a beautiful place
Loving life is exactly like this
I am learning it now
How did I ever live without you?
........This place makes you think about things
It's like looking at the whole world from a small but wonderful spot
Every problem seems meaningless here, doesn't it?
Is that why you have brought me here?
........No, it's because I love it so much
When I stay here a little bit longer , I feel weird,
I think about people who were treated unjustly
When was the last time you came here
....The day before we made up... I realised I treated you unjustly here then
Then what brought us together is also this antique place in a way
Shall we have our wedding here?
Why not? I'm waiting for that day, impatiently
we are reunited
You are mine and I am yours
Yes..till eternity
My dear
Whatever happens I will always be by your side
I have waited so long to hear all these
You will trust me all the time... won't you?
All the time!
...........She smiles
Are you even asking!
She keeps smiling - showing him her joy, her relief, her love for him
he is overwhelmed by the strength of his desire, but the calmness she brings to his heart
he leans in gently as she raises her lips to meet his,
it's a moment when everything is still, but the closeness grows closer,
his feelings growing a million times stronger
Shall we go to our home tomorrow?
lets have a dream?
I love you more than anything
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I never usually 27

I can't find any words to console you
Why are you keeping queit?
why don't you shout?
I deserve all that
I've never seen you like this
you are not someone like this
...............What would you like to see in me?
One that blows like a storm
Taking everything that comes in her way with her
...................I just want to be queit
You've shown me who I am
An eagle with no wings
An eagle who looks around for hunters with a fear inside
but it knows that the hunter will win in the end
You won
Even with no wings, you are an eagle
But I've never been a hunter
But you took the most valuable thing that belongs to me, away from me
You took it and destroyed it
Do you understand that?
You have a problem with us?
First you took our land
understanding land
is in a way understanding a human being
but you didn't understand
I know that you want to hurt us
whatever your case, it will never end
I can't be like you
I can't tie up peoples hands and arms and then just watch them
Now, you got what you wanted
I have to go...
Listen to me for a while
Don't go like this
...You won
You reached your goal
I lost it
Are you happy now?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I never usually 26

It seems to me you're looking for an excuse to leave this city,
what about the ones you're leaving behind
arn't they important to you?
..............it will be better this way
you are that sure, really?
.............. she nods, hoping that she can hide the uncertainty of her fears inside, the weakness in her voice, so afraid of what could happen next moment, she nods, trying to convince herself before anyone
.................I'll start from the very beginning here, I should not look back, so nobody looks behind me either
Do you want to be forgotten ?
.................She thinks about this, thinking about what brought her here, what she was trying to achieve.... to be forgotten, to try and forget... she wanted to forget , the past, yesterday... her insane love growing for him every second...
................. For those who can forget , yes.......
I never usually 25

I must not consider, for if I do, I have considered the destruction of my soul
You see ,sometimes people feel distrust to the person whom they should most trust
you feel theyre hiding something
that is right in front of you
but you are just on different lanes to see it
sometimes, you think that you could discover
if you just looked here, or went there, or even asked
but when you think about it
you are destroying yourself
wasting all this time
out all the options of a possible disaster
lets saY it was true
lets say there was a trick somewhere inthe middle ofyour life
spirits falling aprt under a different light you would see.... a shattered mirror reflecting a thousand pieces all piercing through your heart
lets say...
you were staring right at that mirror
would you be satisfied?
that you got to this place
that you found what you were digging for
or would you wish you were back to the day
you were only .... wondering , whats underneath that earth of lies
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I never usually 24

See, I told you
I never usually
Flushing dreams away
Theyre running because I dont pray
as i just lay, blinded
by intellectual fanatasies
romantic ugliness
shaken upbeaten havanas in dirty mud
I feel down
I feel full
with nothing
just waste again
again & again
I never usually live like this
but I do now
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I never usually 23

Whenever it gets this quiet, I just want to daydream
Can you close your eyes and have a dream?
But let the person whom you want most, to be in it as well
...........I dont want to dream
Just once , can't you do something I asked for?
Don't you have time in your life that you can let go of?
Is it too hard to dream about it?
....... If you also do, I will
He nods as she closes her eyes into a space that he has gently pulled her in
You are not actually dreaming, you only do as if your dreaming
......................Don't disturb me, just look at our own dream!
She closes her eyes again, this time... she pulls him in,
into her eyes, into her face, he is now passionatley involved in her, her dreams sit on his heart , he feels uncontrollably lost in her memories, he wants her so bad, he cant be held back no more, he is.... ridiculously too far near her now
...........look, but you are being a spoilsport!
nothing ... his eyes remain on her soul, he can only hear his heart beating so fast, so real
I know exactly what I want, I am at a place where reality and dreams are mixed up
Here I am sitting at a small restaurant.... watching you
Since you heard my dream..lets hear yours
.....I am walking on the fields with my dad
There is the smell of soil that got wet with the rain
my face is getting wet by small drops of rain
I am happy
But it's too hard for that dream to come true now
I envy those drops of rain
are you going to leave yourself to other rains?
won't i see you again?
Rain,... they say angels fall with the rain, taking your dreams and taking them back to the sky
here, it is cold, when it rains, I think of umbrellas and going inside,
but when I see the pearls on my window, when i hear the noise of the storms
I wonder about feelings of despair and happiness at the same time
rain is depressing but beautiful at the same time
In africa... rain is an intervention of the privacy in your mind, swinging to the sound of its beginning and the sways of nature it sings, rain is always intimidating to the heart,opening the truth within you, I open the windows asking for the wetness of a dry continent to come to me, if it cuts electricity that may be even better,for I no longer need anything to light my life, with the the position of this intensity, the darkness sweeps me into the beatings of a fascinating merging -within my dreams and reality, I am wet with all the angels falling down, I am the winds shadows of time, the cold is now heat of love, the floods soak my passion and lust I am carried into the clouds of raining Sudans land, rain becomes me, fixes my face, fixes my hair, fixes my body, fixes my life as my life, now rains down on me
So you see, rain is a part of romance, whether I cannot be in it or whether i can , it will always be a part of me, always asking for my concern, trying me, to one day - - - stand in the middle of somewhere and just let it rain.. - as all the stars watch
I ... close my eyes and dream too
I never usually 22

nee da?
why are you ignoring the obvious?
why are you shoving it far back in a place hidden with your consent to become ignorant about the obvious?
why are you forgettting that the simplest explanation is the obvious one, the one that is more likely?
why are you forgetting that time, that day, thatsecond, when thoughts checked into realisation and it was right there, it was ..right there and you saw it, why can't you see thats obvious?
why did you read it, and get shocked by it, trying to elimate the verbs with your eyes, over a cold freezing shower, in a suddenly freezing apartment, in a very obvious freezing truth
why , wasn't it obvious?
messages and passages into someones secrets you know that you cant hide that you entered
you were given a chance to see,
now that was obvious,
flying over seas and lands, you flew, you were alone, you were brought all the way down back so you could... see the obvious, that you had been so obviously worried about , and it had become ... now inflicted as a true secret sitting on your life
isnt it all abvious, now, then, tommorow, what's going on?
so why are you not accepting the pain of losing
so why are you not accepting the worry of words
so why are you not becoming the change you need to be?
strong and different with all these dreams forgetten , for they had been crushed and that was very very obvious
nee da?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I never usually 21

I've wasted 3
I've wasted 3
and it feels like 300
tonnes on my heart
breaking into pieces because im not yet strong enough to hold on without a receipt
and it should be too
for going back is not an option now
i must focus
i must consider
that i am alone in this
I am very along in this
no texts, no phones, no smiles, no fakeness, no hidden attributes of a stolen moment in time
a stolen golden of rhyme
no one else
just I
I wanted...
I wanted so many things
cluttered in my mind
I couldnt choose from any of them
but now all i want is
to change
and i never usually change
so i must change
not wasting more
for people judge you
and use you
and forget you
for people laugh at you
and put their concepts in your page
write on you
scribble their attitude
highlight your pain
for people take you..for granted
before they even know your feelings
who you are?
I understand now
I understand that I must fend for this
and die for this
this is my own drama
this is my own series
this is my own love and heartbreak
I must be proud
what do I want to get even?
what do I want to suppress my anger?
It is not drowning into waters of my dreams
It is not getting saved by them either
It's ....
entering into an african sunset
coming through doors wooden with the ancient memories of my grandmothers approval
its wearing black and blue , bruised but cruised with industrial destiny
its thinking of God as your friend, as your only true love
you are doing this for heaven
for paradise
its breaking peoples voices by your silence
its believing in what you want
praying for it like you know
like you know
its a part of you
no matter what happens
always by your side
its waking up in the morning
and washing your face with african sunrise
for its the only remedy
When you touch a girl, you touch her soul
Friday, November 6, 2009
I never usually 20

Ive missed 8
Ive missed my life passing by
Ive missed myself
I ran myself flat tired, gasping for breath
gasping for me and my dreams
Ive missed my love, my eyes,
Ive missed taking care of my dreams
for my dreams
I lost and gave them to this drama
and thats not what i intended
I intended to make my own love
my own fights and smiles
my own ... happinness
I intented to ask for this
to pray for this
to beg for this
and to use them as a brick
but not as my house
no I wnat my own house
my own rain
my own temper
my own anger
my own heart love
my own dreams coming true
yes, I need their help
but now they are not helping me
they are changing me
you see, I never usually change
and now I it is time to stop changing
I mean change is adangerous thing
you can change for the better
but u can also become something you cannot understand anymore
someone tired and sick
someone ...afraid
and hiding from themselves and their image
someone hiding from the world
escaping into this and that scene
I will not give up
I just need to find myself
find myself i must do
Monday, November 2, 2009
I never usually 19

I'm sick
I'm tired
I'm lonely
I'm scared
I'm imprisoned in these ideas and dreams
closed within this drama
so many feelings
so many wishes and hopes
I'm afraid
I'm angry
I'm trying to understand myself
to be someone beautiful
I'm strange
Ive never been like this
so ...wicked
Ive never been like this
so adamant about wrong
making it seem right
I dont know
Ive never even written on this place like this
usually its never about me
i mean, i never write about me so ..clearly
its always hidden behind metaphors and words and things
but not like this
just plain sentences so clear
I want to find love and to have it find me so that together
the earth trembles with a romance so deep so quick so long so strong so raw so fresh so real so crystal with expensive days shaking the times love even existed
i dont know
i guess
ive never been loved
and it hurts
i guess...#seeing all my cousins and friends find what i look for ..
well no i cant see what i look for
but i am jealous
of them
of anything small they do
and say
i get jealous
and i think to myself
thats ridiculous!
theyre all thinking theyre in love and thats not love thats... boring
you know you dont want anything like that
you want
the earth trembling type
but im still jealous
im still angry
with myself
with everything
i forget to ask god
i forget to love
the only thing that can give me my dreams
i dont know
i feel silly
i am writing very raw and square
not smooth sentiments of thought of truth
something that you can read and say, hey i get that
i dont even get it
what do i want?
when will i control myself?
when will i be happy
with who i am
with what i got
with what god gave me
and saved me, with
when will i be fulfilled
when will i be... recovered
from a youthful predisposition
to a pure woman
an independant woman
from all the pain
all the fury
all the anger
of something so small
consuming her , consuming me
I never usually 18

I could watch this forever
I could , I could, I could
everytime i notice something
i feel something
I get stronger
its not affecting me in any other way
its not just entertainment
its not just a show
i can't let go
of the dream if purs in me
like my world wants something from them
I perspire to work effortlessly at this
I ,
admire my strength so far
I do
but I do not admire my impatience
or my lack of gratitude
for all of this
has changed me
and i never usually change
and change even though might be good
can also be
to be continued
I never usually forget the most important thing in my life
I never usually become enstranged from my closest love
I never usually never wake up
but this time
I am very sleepy , very sleepy in this dream
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I never usually 17

With the flowers on my new tea cups - I breathe the mint of fury onto my tongue, escaping the morning of broken lullabies and tormented mind -
let me burn with acetic acid and shattered satellite signals
I watch the love of my dreams
and pray for a stronger dream
grapefruit twists of love, and music to my ears
walk and talk
i pray he is not mad
i pray he gives me all i desire
like when lovers give each other everything
over fields of interlaced happiness
and when the end comes, before the start
and when the start comes before you ask
i know i ask a lot
i know i dont do a lot
it is all imabalanced
but my god, i pray you help me
please help me
for you are the only thing in my life
that could offer me this
i know i'm not a business woman
neither is this a good business offer
but i offer my begging desires that you help me
please god help me
I never usually 16

Maybe I should explain...
you see it was raining outside and the pearls of water fell on my window
trying to tell me a story
i was lost and unfound
and i listened to the words in the rain
angels in the sky, they take your prayers
and can give it a try
why else do you think the earth gets wet with all these dreams
of peoples imaginations , coming true
coming near you, are the wavers of a question
ask and you will get
ask and you can bet
you cant get more romantic than that
more simple than that
more heavenly than that
more true than that
be patient
be kind
be you
but when i looked at myself i couldnt find me
i only found parts of me that i could not understand
and so i began to find a way
which way?
and the more i looked, the more deeper i had to search for that woman inside me
she was so lost, so tired
so weak , non defensive,
so far down in a big black hole
crying, crying, eyes so small
those eyes i lost to prisons voloptous statements of impurity
those ears i lost
to making people angry
those times i lost
at my heart
at my mind
i considered the opposing fantasies
guess im just not an interesting person
guess ill just never find a love so interesting
guess i dont deserve to find that pearl of water to collect my wishes
clean my dirty dishes of ...exaggurated heartbeats and adrenaline
I never usually 15

ive seen all the scenes
100 times each
and i still feel like it was no time
my mind
keeps wanting more
ive seen all the moments
and im still not woken
from my heart
2 parts to my story
the interior and exterior dont match right now
i have work to do
farms to build
of my hope
and i use this drama as scope
of a real imagination
imagine your dream coming true
im sorry i
cant apologise
it just came
it just came
i have to love
and i cant let it
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What it is...
I see Life like a rose in the ice... beautiful but with cold settings - There are so many incredible things out there - but we always need to fight and perservere against the hardships too... otherwise the cold will win ... and we will wither away.
My imagination has led me to believe in something called 'Sudan Fairytale' -
The fantasy that My country will one day be independant and proud, never selfsish to provide its people with its needs, give freedom and success to all, be forever committed to achieve a prosperous inhabitance to every Sudanese in their own country-
My eyes fail me and I see the truth which I call - 'Khartoum Heartbreak' - This is a theme running through the blog under the 'Khartoum Heartbreak' Poems and whatever else about Sudan conveying broken down love, poor streets and cut off electricity along with a lot of other decays and problems in Khartoum city Life.
But I love my country and so I have no choice but to merge the Pain and the Love as one.
Faith is my heart and I could never do without it hoping in my prayers that I can be someone better always and that God forgives me as I fall in Mistakes through that frozen path of Life...
Sometimes I feel under control with all the too many emotions that run to colour my days and nights - Books, movies, music, dreams, friends, family, strangers, travel, - reality - the 10 O' Clock news -Most of the time I'm very Lost in trying to understand - whatever happens becomes tangled into writing this confusing memoir -
It's a really odd combination of air - not sure whether it is refreshing or suffocating - stabilising or maddening - But I breathe and
so it is
'Memoirs of a Sudanese breath' as I am 'Lost but under control' -
My imagination has led me to believe in something called 'Sudan Fairytale' -
The fantasy that My country will one day be independant and proud, never selfsish to provide its people with its needs, give freedom and success to all, be forever committed to achieve a prosperous inhabitance to every Sudanese in their own country-
My eyes fail me and I see the truth which I call - 'Khartoum Heartbreak' - This is a theme running through the blog under the 'Khartoum Heartbreak' Poems and whatever else about Sudan conveying broken down love, poor streets and cut off electricity along with a lot of other decays and problems in Khartoum city Life.
But I love my country and so I have no choice but to merge the Pain and the Love as one.
Faith is my heart and I could never do without it hoping in my prayers that I can be someone better always and that God forgives me as I fall in Mistakes through that frozen path of Life...
Sometimes I feel under control with all the too many emotions that run to colour my days and nights - Books, movies, music, dreams, friends, family, strangers, travel, - reality - the 10 O' Clock news -Most of the time I'm very Lost in trying to understand - whatever happens becomes tangled into writing this confusing memoir -
It's a really odd combination of air - not sure whether it is refreshing or suffocating - stabilising or maddening - But I breathe and
so it is
'Memoirs of a Sudanese breath' as I am 'Lost but under control' -