Monday, September 29, 2008

I've got a lot of things on my mind

Tearing the ideas from the papers of my mind
The words come crashing, flooding my thoughts into trepidations – sinking my memories into drowning realisations
Mumbling phantoms dispersed with dark magic of reality
All my numbness increases toppled with a fumbled insanity
Too much greatness I wish to become – I hold them to cherish so they are not forgotten – softening under the winter cold sun of expensive gas bills – they become rotten while I pay the long bill -

I’ve got a lot of things on my mind
From reports and drawings and senses in time
To mistakes and anger and rhythms of rhyme
From anxieties and pleasures, comforts and depressions
To success and tears, madness and strange expressions
Too many symptoms book their place; too many attitudes put their fist in my face
I want to defend, back stab have justice in my arms
But I’m only cradling guilt melted in charm

Too many things on my mind
From a broken heart where do I start?
To peace and love and all that beauty up above
From whose fault was it, who’s to blame?
To why has it turned out this way and will it stay

How many people stare at my metaphors?
I wonder what they think when I’m reflected
Have my intentions been detected or are they just guessing
As well as repressing all my accomplishments

My emotions are now in the missing
I’ve got too much to think about
How much I’m educated
Are my brain cells beautifully populated or are they really just crazily isolated

How does it all link up, these cities with streetlights that in the end project their functions on to me so I can reject all that I see or take it up as light shadows existence in the darkness along the glowing rivers that I walk nearby with a lover in the sky
Hoping that I follow the invisibility of fate so I can intimately meet him waiting on the second we should forever be

Is that the method it becomes or is it a totally different sum
By minimising the heart and adding the falls multiply calls and divide spells, you get the fantasies with discoveries that I can’t stop thinking about

...........way toooooo many things lurking deep in the crevices of my imaginations or are they scientific hallucinations? Trying to gain definitions in the moments of these separations of earth and the galaxies of my space that I need to wisp into to think about all the all too many things that make up my mind

I yearn to believe and perceive
Function and suction all the pain out of my mind

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really loved it :)

What it is...

I see Life like a rose in the ice... beautiful but with cold settings - There are so many incredible things out there - but we always need to fight and perservere against the hardships too... otherwise the cold will win ... and we will wither away.

My imagination has led me to believe in something called 'Sudan Fairytale' -
The fantasy that My country will one day be independant and proud, never selfsish to provide its people with its needs, give freedom and success to all, be forever committed to achieve a prosperous inhabitance to every Sudanese in their own country-

My eyes fail me and I see the truth which I call - 'Khartoum Heartbreak' - This is a theme running through the blog under the 'Khartoum Heartbreak' Poems and whatever else about Sudan conveying broken down love, poor streets and cut off electricity along with a lot of other decays and problems in Khartoum city Life.

But I love my country and so I have no choice but to merge the Pain and the Love as one.

Faith is my heart and I could never do without it hoping in my prayers that I can be someone better always and that God forgives me as I fall in Mistakes through that frozen path of Life...

Sometimes I feel under control with all the too many emotions that run to colour my days and nights - Books, movies, music, dreams, friends, family, strangers, travel, - reality - the 10 O' Clock news -Most of the time I'm very Lost in trying to understand - whatever happens becomes tangled into writing this confusing memoir -

It's a really odd combination of air - not sure whether it is refreshing or suffocating - stabilising or maddening - But I breathe and
so it is
'Memoirs of a Sudanese breath' as I am 'Lost but under control' -