On our bodies you hold memories sewn into our lives
Glittering with dazzle little did we know it would all be left behind
In wardrobes to be trashed by militia and demons
I really just remember all the beautiful juice of lemons… with mint
And green it was one from Marta one my own choice . From a laid back alley way in midtown Khartoum
Khartoum heartbreak at its core here - little did i know heartbreak was the least to fear
Many things lost like gardens, cars and me
Our houses our families and the way we smiled in that photo
Taken one day there
And now it’s here
To glitter
In the past
Little did I know the past is cast with no way repeating it
I can’t even feel it
Those neon lights
The smell of kitchens
The sound of cockroaches
The click of electricity coming back
The horns of Rakshas
The sound of locks opening in doors sleeping
The sounds of fans in ceilings
The waiting around for all to get in the car after a mugyal
The rubbish everywhere but at least it had no blood
The bridge knowing we were back home
The question of do we need bread or not
The local shop that was always open
The getting out of cars to open front gates
The pains of my heart
But the glitter will always stay in those pictures
And she will always have been in that picture and I in a selfie with her in that moment in time