If I let it unfold it will come to a place, a street, a memory, a seatbelt where i am held into position of this fantasy
locked within my happinness, my love ...
for as it enfolds
I enfold in to something I imagine, wondrous and livid with hope
I imagine the points of connection, temptation, truth and love
I imagine a dream enfolding
a life becoming
smiles, golden and silver with expensive driving
i imagine being driven
I imagine being loved
being driven to love
I imagine being his love
I imagine being his ...everything
his good everything and his bad
his wants and wishes
his driving
for he is driving me
as i let it enfold
I change
and I never usually change
but how can i let this go away?
as i see
and as i feel
and as something gets so close to me
so so close to me
i love the language it speaks out
even though i can't understand the detail
i love the language it makes and takes
of my understanding
its so easy to understand them
I want
to understand myself
and i never usually
but i am still mistaken
i am still lost
i am still not fulfilled
i am imbalanced
my feelings are catastrophically large
and so i must contain
i never usually contain
but this time
i must be
... contained within this drama forever
it all