Friday, January 31, 2025

Lonely person

Sitting with her phone 
Strong inside but all on her own
Laptops mobiles games and apps
I have to sit woth silence on my lap 
No space for tearsbut they are hot and wavy 
People sit next to me i must show nothing crazy

But im lonely scared anxious tired hoping losing trying winning failing all those ways

My prayer mat sits folded it lays
I worry on phonecalls complaints ams what he thinks 
Although ig should be the opposite and yet i aink 
With cinemas in my head and all the things i dread

He doesnt want to talk to me
Why could that be
I miss being…. Someone im not
I hate being … ready for a clot
I love being… in my own dreams 
Forever like this it would seem

Those bmws 
Those holidays 
Those children that love me
Those nice curves
Those super smart hands
Those wise words

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Just be gentle

A 6 year old say to me in A hard place
I feel isolated small misjudged trying useless
Or Is it correct
Am i lacking troubling wrong 
When am i right and when am i wrong 
I refused a place 
Maybe too early maybe too late
Maybe a big mistake
Maybe i don’t know maybe i do
Just wait 
And it will come true
I must beat this feeling of worry 
This feeling of loss 
Nothing can stop me from 

Turning on ny lava lanp
Watching avacado
Stop hurting my nails

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

I wonder

What an ousted preseident does the next day
Sleep in? 
Play tennis ? 
Or cry? 

I wonder what she meant when she said its a little bit out of our normal routine visiting mum in the nursery home but its ok. Did she mean it is what it is or its annoying ? Is there no fear that will be us one day
All that shouting, wailing. Trying

I wonder what he thinks of my thoughts
Reasonable, annoying, dramatic? 
I wonder what i think of his
Needs me for everything ( well thats wrong for sure) 

Iwonder why he did what he did 
Buying here not there, buying this not that buying for so and so and not that. 

I wonder how smart i am  how kind i am, how good i am  how honest i am. I wonder how healthy i am
I wonder where things are and where things will go
I wonder where things need to be and how calm can i be

I wonder how hard will it be to really relax and find calm and peace these next two weeks
And how calm i canbe no matter what 

I wonder what i know and what i dont. What i have promised for real and what i have promised in treason
I wonder whyi careabout the news
The world news the bad news the news that wastes time and weakenshearts
The news that wastes time

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Falling from grace

You see im angry at myself for so long for so much for so little done when it could all have been done. Or stopped
Its coming and im scared
So i shout and scream and just want to find peace
Although peace is not here
Im stuck 
But its hard driving elegance then coming down

Worse its hard being told. Suddenly. But even then. Its hard. And its hard being so big and tired. But its harder knowing i did this to myself
Inflammed inside

And now i have more to add 
But i have no time since i have to study 
All my failures
I feel arrogantly stupid and stupidly naive
Thinking im good when im terrible 
And let me tell you that that is true
In all cases
Of life

And here i am in someone elses role trying to fit in when i cant
I have to be supervised it seems and i have to be given out to like achild and even sworn to 
But i have to accept because some is true and other parts are not but i have to accept because 
Because the embarassment is too much from my side 
He wouldnt let me touch him or even look
Thats the lack of trust he has
But that is now the same for others
No trust 
So he opens his books and comes supervise
An old lady 
A blind spot
Or six

He who makes a mistake once is intelligent but he who makes it twice is a fool

I am sad
Not at anyobdy but myself
For not seeing my faults before others point them out
For not seeing my failures before they consume me
For not taming my anger for not trying hard enough 
For being scared all the time
For letting disease getting in the way. 
For letting time get in the way 
For being a crappy mum 

No love

One act 1

One day iimagine u wakke up and life really does change forever in the most horrible wsy. 
But here is the thing you did that. You simply took your life and threw it away 
And then others anc even family

Its all over 
You will never go to a party or eat where you want or go to the next big movie or buy clothes or shoes or go to university or go to france or have children

End of part of 1


Half the year
Today is 30th june. Tomorrow is second half, like a browk relay race ive only just arrived
Bigger than the biggest elephant yet smaller than the smallest pearl
I was shiny but cant see it no where
I kinda miss writing
But also praying
You see the devil has become of me 
And now im messing
With the wrong thing
Trying to be good
Trying failing
Tommorow is the seocnd half of the year
An empty page
But like all these things 
The start for two secondsthen its over
Do u know sometimes i eat a big giant choc triple cookie with a big dollop of nutella
About a 1000 calories on a 120 kilo same size gorilla
Im being mean on purpose

Im being horrid to myself just like ive been horrid to myself

Summary what happened these last 6 months 
Bigger bigger bigger

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Its not this its that

You see the thing about worry is its naive
Lost in its own translations 
Here is one worried about this when its that
Thinking about this when its that 
Believing this when its that

Not worrying about something when i should be! 

What it is...

I see Life like a rose in the ice... beautiful but with cold settings - There are so many incredible things out there - but we always need to fight and perservere against the hardships too... otherwise the cold will win ... and we will wither away.

My imagination has led me to believe in something called 'Sudan Fairytale' -
The fantasy that My country will one day be independant and proud, never selfsish to provide its people with its needs, give freedom and success to all, be forever committed to achieve a prosperous inhabitance to every Sudanese in their own country-

My eyes fail me and I see the truth which I call - 'Khartoum Heartbreak' - This is a theme running through the blog under the 'Khartoum Heartbreak' Poems and whatever else about Sudan conveying broken down love, poor streets and cut off electricity along with a lot of other decays and problems in Khartoum city Life.

But I love my country and so I have no choice but to merge the Pain and the Love as one.

Faith is my heart and I could never do without it hoping in my prayers that I can be someone better always and that God forgives me as I fall in Mistakes through that frozen path of Life...

Sometimes I feel under control with all the too many emotions that run to colour my days and nights - Books, movies, music, dreams, friends, family, strangers, travel, - reality - the 10 O' Clock news -Most of the time I'm very Lost in trying to understand - whatever happens becomes tangled into writing this confusing memoir -

It's a really odd combination of air - not sure whether it is refreshing or suffocating - stabilising or maddening - But I breathe and
so it is
'Memoirs of a Sudanese breath' as I am 'Lost but under control' -